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For dev - Instant Search API
Thomas Ta avatar
Written by Thomas Ta
Updated over a week ago


Suggestion/Instant Search API lets you query the products based on the search query. This API serves the Instant Search Box of the front store.

What can you do with Filter & Search API?

GET /bc-sf-filter/search/suggest

Retrieve collections and products for instant search for a particular store.


GET /bc-sf-filter/search/suggest

Retrieve collections and products for a particular store based on request params and search queries.

Request params




The store name of the current request. E.g:



Search Query String



Excluded the search fields

Allowed values:

  • [] (default)

  • ['body_html']


The event when this request is triggered. The API only returns the event_type based on the request param


The callback function for JSONP request. If no call_back param is included. The API returns pure JSON


Returns up to this many page type results per page

(default: 3, maximum: 10)


Returns up to this many collection type results per page

(default: 3, maximum: 10)


Returns up to this many product type results per page

(default: 5, maximum: 10)


Returns up to this many suggestion type results per page

(default: 4, maximum: 10)


Returns up to this many 'did you mean' type results per page

(default: 3, maximum: 5)


Returns products by available status

Allowed values:

  • true

  • false (default)


Returns products with variant available status. In Shopify, a product might have property available set to true but one of their variants' available might be false.

Allowed values:

  • true

  • false (default)


Returns products by the display scope of the products. Accept string or array values.

Allowed values:

  • global

  • Global

  • web

  • ['global', 'Global', 'web'] (default)


Returns products by the collections the products belong to. The integer value is required.

(default: 0)


Filter results by product type.


Filter results by the product vendor.


Filter results by tags. Accept string or array values.

Note: For any tag value, the API filter results by exact tag value and its lowercase value. For array value, the API uses the OR condition.

E.g: For an array of tag = ['Apple', 'Samsung', 'lg'], the API filters results with the following values ['Apple', 'apple,'] OR ['Samsung', 'samsung'] OR ['lg']


Whether to use OR or AND condition for the tag search

Allowed values

  • 1: AND

  • 2: OR (default)


Skip the results with specific tags. Accept string or array values. For array value, the API uses the OR condition.

E.g: For an array of h_options = ['bad', 'out'], the API skips the products with the tag pfs:hidden:bad OR pfs:hidden:out.


Sort products first with one of the following fields before applying the above sorting of sort param.

Allowed values:

  • available

  • extra_sort1

  • extra_sort2

  • extra_sort3

  • false (default)


Sort First in Ascending or Descending.

Allowed values:

  • asc

  • desc (default)


Add sort param to change the sorting of product list in the instant search.


Filter results by a specific translated language.

Allowed values:

  • false (default)

  • tl1: Translated Language 1

  • tl2: Translated Language 2


Enable the fuzziness search based on the search query param or not.

Allowed values:

  • false: Require Exact match

  • true: Enable fuzziness at 2 characters (default)

  • 1: Enable fuzziness at 1 character only

  • 2: Enable fuzziness at 2 characters

E.g: If fuzzy=1, a search term like 'boots' will match the following documents that have the words like 'boats', 'books', etc. If fuzzy=2, a search term like 'bear' will match the documents that have the words 'been', 'benz', etc. If fuzzy=false, requires exact match of the search term.


Reduces the min match requirements in the search query

Allowed values:

  • false (default): results to 85% match

  • true: results to 50% match

  • An Integer Number: requires min match exact this number


Filter the results that match all the words in search query.

Allowed values:

  • false (default)

  • true

E.g: If full_min_match=true, and the search query is "Bat Man Hero", the API will look for all the documents that have 3 words "bat", "man", "hero". Otherwise, the API will use the default min match value, which is 85% of search query or reduce_min_match param value.


Whether to sort the results with the boost field. In order for this param to work correctly, a custom function is required to calculate the boost value per products.

re_run_if_typo (updated with new search 14/02/2023)

Run query suggestion again with fixed typo query if given param q is return 0 product.


  • store enable search version 2 and typo service is ready for this store

  • param q satisfy word length condition for typo Search flow

  • first query with given @param q return 0 product

  • typo service return at least one fixed query

Allowed values:

  • false (default): api use typo result to generate @response did_you_mean

  • true: api will trigger run suggestion with first value of typo result, this value is assigned to response correct_query

Response Properties





'total_product': 1

Total Product Returned


'error': 'not_found'

This property error is returned only when having any error


'products': [

product item 1,

product item 2,



A list of products


'pages': [


'handle': 'how-rc-works', // Handle of the page/article

'id': 52309858852, // Id of the collection

'title': 'How the RC Works' // Title of the page/article

'url': '/blogs/how-to/how-rc-works' // Full path of page/article



A list of pages/articles


'collections': [


"handle": "simple-top", // Handle of the collection

"id": 43309858852, // Id of the collection

"title": "Simple Top" // Title of the collection



A list of collections


'suggestions': [

'top', 'shirt'


A list of search suggestions for end user


'did_you_mean': [



A list of did you mean words that we suppose the customer has typed some wrong characters


'query': 'bottom'

Returns the query based on the prev_query param


'prev_query': 'botto'

Returns the prev_query based on the prev_query param for frontend logic requirement

correct_query (updated with new search 14/02/2023)

value use to run suggestion again after typo service return the fixed query


"scoped_suggestions": {

"mix dress": {

"categories": [



"vendors": [




"product_types": [




"categories": [





"purple mix dress": {},

"mesh mix dress": {}


If the applyScopedSuggestion feature flag is enabled

Response Example

"total_product": 1,
"from_cache": false,
"products": [
"id": 8584719122,
"available": true,
"title": "Intelligent Linen Chair",
"body_html": "",
"vendor": "Hermes",
"product_type": "Dresses",
"handle": "intelligent-linen-chair",
"created_at": "2016-12-10T19:33:22-05:00",
"updated_at": "2017-10-14T00:38:31-04:00",
"published_at": "2016-12-10T19:33:03-05:00",
"published_scope": "web",
"template_suffix": null,
"tags": ["collection:tops", "style:Arty"],
"price_min": 58,
"price_max": 146,
"compare_at_price_min": null,
"compare_at_price_max": null,
"percent_sale_min": 0,
"synced_at_v2": 1550862995,
"images": {
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"height": 1100
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"title": "Tops",
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"id": 34592456740,
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"title": "Collection All",
"featured": false,
"sort_value": "0000000259"
"options_with_values": [
"name": "size",
"label": "Size",
"values": [
"title": "S",
"image": null
"title": "M",
"image": null
"title": "XL",
"image": null
"title": "XXL",
"image": null
"name": "color",
"label": "Color",
"values": [
"title": "Yellow",
"image": null
"variants": [
"available": true,
"merged_options": ["color:Yellow", "size:S/M"],
"image": null,
"id": 28652161170,
"title": "S / Yellow",
"sku": "",
"barcode": "",
"inventory_management": null,
"inventory_policy": "deny",
"inventory_quantity": 7,
"price": "85.50",
"compare_at_price": null
"available": true,
"merged_options": ["color:Yellow", "size:S/M"],
"image": null,
"id": 28652161234,
"title": "M / Yellow",
"sku": "intelligent-linen-chair-m",
"barcode": "",
"inventory_management": null,
"inventory_policy": "deny",
"inventory_quantity": 1,
"price": "86.50",
"compare_at_price": null
"available": true,
"merged_options": ["color:Yellow", "size:XXL"],
"image": null,
"id": 28652161298,
"Title": "XL / Yellow",
"sku": "intelligent-linen-chair-xl",
"barcode": "",
"inventory_management": null,
"inventory_policy": "deny",
"inventory_quantity": 2,
"price": "146.00",
"compare_at_price": null
"available": true,
"merged_options": ["color:Yellow", "size:XXL"],
"image": null,
"id": 28652161426,
"title": "XXL / Yellow",
"sku": "intelligent-linen-chair-xxl",
"barcode": "",
"inventory_management": null,
"inventory_policy": "deny",
"inventory_quantity": 1,
"price": "58.00",
"compare_at_price": null
"skus": ["intelligent-linen-chair-m", "intelligent-linen-chair-xl", "intelligent-linen-chair-xxl"],
"barcodes": [],
"weight_min": 56,
"weight_max": 879,
"merged_search_engram": "dresses hermes",
"merged_rsearch": "Intelligent Linen Chair",
"metafields": [],
"review_ratings": 0
"filter": {
"options": [
"status": "active",
"position": "0",
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"filterOptionId": "pf_c_collection",
"filterType": "collection",
"displayType": "list",
"selectType": "single",
"valueType": "specific",
"manualValues": [
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"label": "Tops",
"id": "357407890"
"handle": "intimates",
"label": "Intimates",
"id": "357408082"
"handle": "dresses",
"label": "Dresses",
"id": "357408018"
"handle": "swimwear",
"label": "Swimwear",
"id": "357408210"
"isCollapsePC": false,
"isCollapseMobile": false,
"showSearchBoxFilterPC": true,
"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": true,
"keepValuesStatic": false,
"activeCollectionAll": true,
"tooltip": "Test",
"showMoreType": "scrollbar",
"sortType": "key-asc",
"sortManualValues": false,
"displayAllValuesInUppercaseForm": false,
"values": [
"key": "357407890",
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"doc_count": 1
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"tags": null,
"doc_count": 0
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"tags": null,
"doc_count": 0
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"handle": "swimwear",
"tags": null,
"doc_count": 0
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"label": "Product Type",
"filterOptionId": "pf_pt_product_type",
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"valueType": "all",
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"tooltip": "Test2",
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"key": "Accessories",
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"filterOptionId": "pf_p_price",
"filterType": "price",
"displayType": "range",
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"isCollapsePC": false,
Here's a reformatted version of your JSON data, aiming to improve readability:

"total_product": 1,
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"id": 34592456740,
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"name": "size",
"label": "Size",
"values": [
{"title": "S", "image": null},
{"title": "M", "image": null},
{"title": "XL", "image": null},
{"title": "XXL", "image": null}
"name": "color",
"label": "Color",
"values": [{"title": "Yellow", "image": null}]
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"available": true,
"merged_options": ["color:Yellow", "size:S/M"],
"image": null,
"id": 28652161170,
"title": "S / Yellow",
"sku": "",
"barcode": "",
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"price": "85.50",
"compare_at_price": null
"available": true,
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"image": null,
"id": 28652161234,
"title": "M / Yellow",
"sku": "intelligent-linen-chair-m",
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"price": "86.50",
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"image": null,
"id": 28652161298,
"title": "XL / Yellow",
"sku": "intelligent-linen-chair-xl",
"barcode": "",
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"inventory_policy": "deny",
"total_product": 1,
"from_cache": false,
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"image": null
"title": "XL",
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Here's the improved readability version of your data structure in JSON format:

"total_product": 1,
"from_cache": false,
"products": [
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"available": true,
"title": "Intelligent Linen Chair",
"body_html": "",
"vendor": "Hermes",
"product_type": "Dresses",
"handle": "intelligent-linen-chair",
"created_at": "2016-12-10T19:33:22-05:00",
"updated_at": "2017-10-14T00:38:31-04:00",
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"values": [{ "title": "Yellow", "image": null }]
"variants": [
"available": true,
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"image": null,
"id": 28652161170,
"title": "S / Yellow",
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"image": null,
"id": 28652161234,
"title": "M / Yellow",
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"barcode": "",
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"inventory_policy": "deny",
"inventory_quantity": 1,
"price": "86.50",
"compare_at_price": null
"available": true,
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"image": null,
"id": 28652161298,
"title": "XL / Yellow",
"sku": "intelligent-linen-chair-xl",
Here's the reformatted version of your data:

"total_product": 1,
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"title": "Intelligent Linen Chair",
"body_html": "",
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"status":The JSON data structure you've provided describes product information including its availability, price range, vendor details, images, variants, and associated filters. Here's a summary of the key parts of this JSON:

- **Product Details**: Information about a single product, an "Intelligent Linen Chair", including identifiers, availability status, descriptions, and timestamps related to its creation and updates.
- **Images**: Links to two images of the product along with their metadata.
- **Collections**: The product belongs to collections like "Tops" and "All".
- **Options and Variants**: Details about the product's available options (size and color) and its variants based on these options, such as different sizes and colors available for purchase.
- **Filter Options**: This includes a set of filter criteria used in a retail setting, such as by collection, product type, price range, and others, which helps in categorizing or searching the product more efficiently.

This structure is commonly used in e-commerce platforms for managing and presenting detailed product information dynamically on websites.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team at [email protected].

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