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Pricing plan overview

Boost AI Search & Discovery offers a wide range of plans for your business

Connell Nguyen avatar
Written by Connell Nguyen
Updated over a week ago

πŸ“– If you notice that the 14-day trial period can help with your business growth, and you want to upgrade to a paid plan, then Boost AI Search & Discovery offers a variety of monthly plans so that you can find one that fits the needs of your business.

Getting started

  • When you upgrade to a monthly subscription, Boost AI Search & Discovery will automatically check the total number of products in your Shopify store and recommend an appropriate plan based on the number of products.

  • It is worth noting that you can subscribe to either a plan that fits the total number of your products or a higher plan when you believe your business will expand soon.


  • To be flexible, we offer packages calculated according to product counts and features. We have three available packages: Basic, Essential & Professional.

πŸ’‘ The package's price may vary according to your Shopify Plan. There are two levels: regular Shopify & Shopify Plus.

  • Additionally, each package supplements you with many highlighted and advanced features from our app that will support your business greatly.

πŸ’‘ For more information on our pricing plan, visit our official page here.

How Boost AI Search & Discovery counts your products

  • A monthly plan is recommended based on the total number of products in your Shopify store that our app checks constantly (in-stock, out-of-stock, draft-mode, and active products).

  • To count the Active/Draft Products, please access:,draft

    (replace yourShopifystorename with your actual tenantID)

  • The app does not count product variants and SKUs. For instance, if a product comes in more than one color, the app still counts it as 1 product.

πŸ’‘ If you do not wish to have certain products counted by Boost AI Search & Discovery before being recommended a plan, you may delete or archive them. As a result, our app will automatically exclude them from counting when recommending a plan.

  • To count the Archived Products, please access:

    (replace yourShopifystorename with your actual tenantID)


  • Besides the package, we offer various add-ons to enhance the app's functionality. Some add-ons will provide the free trial and some do not. To learn more about these add-ons and their prices, please visit our Help Center article.

⚠️ After your Add-on free trial is over, to maintain your add-on privileges, an additional charge corresponding with the one you are using will be added to your Shopify billing cycle along with your selected Boost plan. To learn more about Shopify's billing cycle, please visit this Shopify article.

Monthly price

  • The monthly price is a recurring subscription charge for using Boost AI Search & Discovery, which varies depending on the chosen plan. The cost of whichever plan you choose is included in the bill issued at the end of your assigned billing cycle.

  • We are using two billing models to charge for the app:

    • Subscription model: Used to charge for a package price that will be charged upfront each billing cycle.

    • Usage model: Used to charge for add-ons and charged at the end of the billing cycle.

⚠️ All charges, including subscription and usage fees for add-ons, are non-refundable.

Your total products exceed the current plan

  • When Boost AI Search & Discovery detects you have more products than the number of products that your current monthly plan allows, our app will send notification emails to your store owner immediately and leave a reminder message on your App admin as the following:

Increased cost due to exceeded number of products

  • Upgrade to a higher plan that fits your product quantity to continue using Boost AI Search & Discovery. Otherwise, to match your current plan, you can delete or archive some products to be excluded from being counted constantly.

⚠️ Should you fail to upgrade to an appropriate plan within 7 days of seeing the reminder about the situation, your frontend store will begin to show only one filter option on each filter tree. Boost AI Search & Discovery app admin access will be restricted after 7 days and you will no longer be able to configure the app settings if you do not upgrade.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us for further assistance at [email protected].

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