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Uninstall Boost AI Search & Discovery from your store
Uninstall Boost AI Search & Discovery from your store

In this article, we show you how to uninstall the Boost app.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

When you delete or uninstall an app from your Shopify store, if the app is not built with tools to remove its codes along with the deletion of the app, then there is generally some code of the app left behind.

If some code of Boost AI Search & Discovery is left behind, your Shopify store speed can be affected, your theme layout might break and look problematic, and sometimes your collection page might show no products. The reason behind those situations is that your live theme still contains Boost AI Search & Discovery's code after you delete the app from your Shopify admin.

⚠ As of September 28, 2023, our data retention policy has been updated. If you choose to uninstall Boost AI Search & Discovery and do not reinstall or make any changes within 60 days, your data will be removed. Please be aware that if you decide to reinstall the app after this period, you will need to start over with a fresh setup. We recommend carefully considering your options before uninstalling the app to ensure a seamless experience. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support team. Your satisfaction is our priority.

Theme Revert

Boost AI Search & Discovery comes with a feature, called Theme Revert, which helps you remove the app's codes automatically from your live theme before deleting the app from your store.

By running the Theme Revert before uninstalling the app completely, the default code of your live theme will be restored, and your store's theme layout will work as smoothly as it did before having the app's features.

To run the Theme Revert:

1. From the app's admin, go to Theme > Theme setup.

2. Find your live theme, which the app injected its code into, or any themes that have the app's code and you plan to set them live in the future.

3. Go to Actions and click:

  • V2

    • Remove all filters & search features > Select Remove.

  • V3

    • Select Remove our app features.

  • Select all features > Click Next.

4. Delete the app completely.

⚠️ If the "There is an error" notification shows up when you are trying to run the Theme Revert, it means the code needs to be manually removed.

Remove the app's codes manually

Before uninstalling any apps, it's important to check the app's help documentation to determine whether there are any steps required to complete the uninstallation.

If you delete Boost AI Search & Discovery without running the Theme Revert, and we no longer have access to your store, then you can take the following steps to manually remove the app's code from all the themes that have the app's code.

If you have other concerns or issues about the process of removing the app’s code, you can contact us at [email protected]and our customer support team will be happy to help you.

To uninstall the TURBO app version

When you uninstall our app, any Boost widgets and the core app embed - Boost Core (New), will automatically be removed from the theme where you've added them. Here's what you can expect:

Your theme's OS is 2.0

Instant search widget

When you uninstall the app, the Boost Instant search widget will be automatically removed from your theme, and your theme's original search box and search engine will be restored.

Recommendation widgets

Any recommendation widgets you've added to your theme's Homepage, Product page, Collection page, and Cart page (if any) will be automatically removed from those pages. Please preview your storefront to ensure there are no changes to the layout of these pages.

Collection page with filters

⚠️ With the latest Shopify Integration update, theme reverting on the collection page is now more secure. However, if the original product list from your store is not displaying on the storefront after uninstalling Boost, follow these steps to resolve the issue.

After uninstalling the Boost app, follow the steps to enable your theme's original product grid and collection banner, as you may have hidden it while using our widget.

  1. Go to Shopify Online Store > Themes > Theme Editor of the theme where you have added this widget.

  2. Navigate to the Template section of your Collection page.

  3. Click the eye icon to enable the theme's default Collection banner and Product grid.

  4. Click the Save button to save your settings.

Step 2_ Hide the theme's default Collection banner & Product grid.png

Search page with filters

After uninstalling the Boost app, follow the steps to enable your theme's original search results, as you may have hidden it while using our widget.

  1. Go to Shopify Online Store > Themes > Theme Editor of the theme where you have added this widget.

  2. Navigate to the Template section of your Search page.

  3. Click the eye icon to enable the theme's default Search results.

  4. Click the Save button to save your settings.

Step 2_ Hide the theme's default Search results.png

Your theme's OS is 1.0 (Vintage theme)

Please ensure that you complete all the below steps to avoid potential layout issues.

If you have other concerns or issues about the process of removing the app’s code, you can contact us at [email protected] and our customer support team will be happy to help you.

Step 1: Remove features' codes

Follow the below steps to remove the codes for the features you've added to your theme's files.

Collection page with filters

In the Edit code screen of the theme, locate the file collection.liquid in the Templates folder. In this file, search for the following piece of code and delete it:

{% render 'boost-sd-app', type: 'product-filter' %}

Also, search for any {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags that have been added before and after the original code in your file. These tags should be removed as well.

Click the Save button to save your settings.

Remove collection.gif

Search page with filters

In the Edit code screen of the theme, locate the file search.liquid in the Templates folder. In this file, search for the following code and delete it:

{% render 'boost-sd-app', type: 'product-filter' %}

Also, search for any {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags that have been added before and after the original code in your file. These tags should be removed as well.

Click the Save button to save your settings.

remove search.gif

Instant search widget

When you uninstall the app, the Boost Instant search widget will be automatically removed from your theme, and your theme's original search box and search engine will be restored.

Recommendation widgets

Find the following code for the page in the Templates folder where you displayed Boost Recommendation widgets and delete it. Click the Save button to save your settings.


Original file

Home page


Product page


Collection page


Cart page


{% render 'boost-sd-app', type: 'recommendation', widgetId: 'Replace widgetId here' %}

In the code above, the 'Replace widgetId here' is the Boost Recommendation's widget ID that you added in the code line.

Example: {% render 'boost-sd-app', type: 'recommendation', widgetId: 'homepage-326800' %}

remove R.gif

Step 2: Remove backup file (Optional)

If you created the backup file when you integrated our app to your theme, you need to delete it.

In the Edit code screen theme, under the Templates folder, locate collection.boost-sd-original.liquid and search.boost-sd-original.liquid files (if they exist) and delete them.

remove backup.gif

Step 3: Delete the Boost app file

Under the Snippets folder, find boost-sd-app.liquid file and delete it.

*Note that deleting this file will impact all Boost features, making them non-functional.

You can skip this step if you've already done it before.

remove app file.gif

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at [email protected].

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