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For dev - App Lib V2 Settings

This is a list of all available settings in app lib v2.

Updated this week

πŸ“– This is a list of all available settings in App Lib V2.

List of all settings variables


  • Settings of app lib, contains default settings

  • Declared in boost-pfs.js (in the minified library)


  • Settings specififc to the store (domain, money format,...)

  • Declared in snippets/boost-pfs.liquid


  • Settings specific to the theme (product per row, layout list/grid)

  • Declared in sections/collection-template.liquid, templates/search.liquid


  • Settings for filter customization

  • Declared in assets/boost-pfs-filter.js


  • Settings for instant search customization

  • Declared in assets/boost-pfs-instant-search.js

All settings will be merged into boostPFSConfig on app init, from top to bottom (the bottom ones will override the top).

You should only modify boostPFSThemeConfig, boostPFSFilterConfig, boostPFSInstantSearchConfig

Filter settings

You can set filter settings in boost-pfs-filter.js file, at the begining:

// Override Settings
var boostPFSFilterConfig = {
general: {
// Sets the maximum number of products per page
limit: boostPFSThemeConfig.custom.products_per_page,
// Preloads products on initial load
loadProductFirst: true,
// Specifies the scroll style when navigating to the top
styleScrollToTop: 'style2'

For the settings with Have setting in admin: Yes, please change the setting in admin.

Filter display settings

Filter API settings

Product List Settings

Instant Search Settings

You can set instant search settings in boost-pfs-instant-search.js file, at the begining:

// Override Settings for Boost PFS Instant Search Configuration
var boostPFSInstantSearchConfig = {
search: {
// Set the position of the suggestion box relative to the search input
suggestionPosition: 'left'

For the settings with Have setting in admin: Yes, please change the setting in admin.

Instant Search display settings

Instant Search API settings

Feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team via chat if you have any questions or require additional assistance.

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