π Here is the list of files that Boost AI Search & Discovery app installs into your theme, and an explanation of what they do.
β οΈ This instruction is appropriate for App Lib V2 only. Please contact us for further assistance.
Common files
1. Common files are installed on all themes
boost-pfs-vendor.js: JavaScript containing jQuery and other 3rd party libs (loaded in collection and search pages)
boost-pfs-core.js: JavaScript main file, containing filter & instant search (loaded in collection and search pages)
boost-pfs-core-instant-search.js: JavaScript main file, containing only instant search (loaded in pages other than collection and search)
boost-pfs-init.scss.liquid: CSS that needs to load first (loaded in collection and search pages)
boost-pfs-general.scss.liquid: CSS that can be deferred to load later, containing filter & instant search CSS (loaded in collection and search pages)
boost-pfs-instant-search.scss.liquid: CSS for instant search, containing only instant search CSS (loaded in pages other than collection and search)
boost-pfs-custom.scss.liquid: CSS file for customization
boost-pfs-init.js: app lib init code
boost-pfs-loading.gif: loading image
boost-pfs-no-image.gif: placeholder image for when a product has no image
Init boostPFSAppConfig
Includes javascript assets: boost-pfs.js, boost-pfs-init.js, boost-pfs-instant-search.js, boost-pfs-filter.js
boost-pfs-filter-skeleton.liquid: placeholder skeleton for product list, filter tree, filter mobile button.
Contains styles set by user in app admin (filter style, quick view, add to cart style, etc.)
Includes boost-pfs.scss.liquid
2. In theme.liquid, the app is included like this:
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="{{ shop.locale }}">
<!-- Include style at the end of head -->
{% include 'boost-pfs-style' %}
<!-- Include script at the end of body -->
{% include 'boost-pfs' %}
Theme specific files
boost-pfs-filter.js: Customize the filter. Used in both horizontal and vertical.
boost-pfs-instant-search.js: Customize the search. Used in both horizontal and vertical.
collection-template.liquid: Vertical collection template. This file is different in horizontal and vertical setup.
boost-pfs-filter-html.liquid: Used in both horizontal and vertical. Only for free themes.
boost-pfs-quickview.liquid: Used in both horizontal and vertical.
search.liquid: Vertical search page. This file is different in horizontal and vertical setup.
collection.boost-pfs-quickview.liquid: Use for calling quickview modals by ajax. If you see boost-intergration,... please change the name to this.
product.boost-pfs-quickview.liquid: Used by our app's quick view OTP.
Backup files
Back up files are all liquid files in the theme folder that override a theme file (collection-template, search,...).
They have suffix 'boost-pfs-original'
Feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team via chat if you have any questions or require additional assistance.