โ ๏ธ This instruction is appropriate for App Lib V2 only. Please contact us for further assistance.
There are 2 types of files:
Core files (DO NOT edit): the following files contains main logic of PFS app, please do not edit these because we will run regular patches to update them, and all custom code in here will be lost.
CSS: boost-pfs-general.css, boost-pfs-opt.css
JavaScript: boost-pfs-vendor.js, boost-pfs-core.js, boost-pfs-core-instant-search.js
Custom files: used to customize all our features (see more here)
We only include necessary files in pages when needed
Relation between our files and pages
Collection page & Search page:
Other pages:
How the app init
1. Include our resources in Header and Footer of HTML DOM
- include CSS files, contain style of AppFooter:
- include JS files, contain logic to build App elements and their behaviors
2. Load necessary settings into the JavaScript variable
In boost-pfs.liquid file, we bind all necessary settings from our app and Shopify to a JavaScript variable called boostPFSAppConfig
that will be used in our logic then.
Boost PFSAppConfig
Params | Description |
api | The API URLs for our various endpoints: Filter, Search, Suggestion and Analytics |
shop | General info about the shop (domain, currency format, url, etc.) |
general | Detailed information about the current page (current collection, tags, current locale, current currency, etc.) |
settings | All settings of our app saved into a metafield: - namespace: bc-sf-fitler - key: settings - format: string (this is a json string that we will parse on page load) |
3. Initialize App
Stil inside boost-pfs.liquid
file, we call assets/boost-pfs-init.js
file which is used to init all our elements: Filter, Instant Search (Suggestion) and Analytics
var boostPFS = new BoostPFS();
if (typeof boostPFSConfig !== 'undefined' &&
typeof boostPFSConfig.general !== 'undefined' &&
typeof boostPFSConfig.general.isInitFilter !== 'undefined' &&
boostPFSConfig.general.isInitFilter === true) {
BoostPFS.jQ(window).on('load', function() {
A new instance of
class is created. This is done only once on page load.Init functions:
call the filter API to get filter tree information.
render the filter tree where there is a certain div on the DOM.
render the instant search suggestion where there is a certain div on the DOM.
the suggestion API is called when user starts typing in the box
init event bindings to send analytics data
Feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team via chat if you have any questions or require additional assistance.