In this article, we will walk through 4 main components of the Collection Analytics feature and how to utilize them to make better business decisions.
Access Collection Analytics
From the app’s admin, click Analytics on the Menu bar.
Click the Collection Analytics sub-menu.
Click the Calendar button and select the correct date range to get the analytics from. When you want to compare one date range to the previous one, select Compare to previous dates.
Click Apply. Collection Analytics is divided into 4 sections:
Overview: Give you some most important metrics about your Collection page.
Collection performance: Give you a table of Collections and their performance metrics.
Filter option value: Give you the top 30 filter option values and their performance metrics.
Filter option value combination: Give you the top 30 filter option value combination and their performance metrics.
Overview section
Total revenue generated from Collection: This metric measures how much revenue your store has made using our app using filter and search events in the Collection pages, during defined date ranges.
Conversion rate of Collection: This metric measures how likely your shoppers tend to buy products after using our app when they visit your Collection pages.
Top Collections: This table shows the top Collections which have the highest revenue during defined date ranges. You can click View report to access the Collection performance section and explore the performance of more Collections on your site.
Total filter clicks in collection page: This metric shows the number of clicks on the filter tree in selected collections. This section is a good indicator of which collections your customers are paying attention to.
Top filter option values: This table shows the top filter option values selected by your customers. These reports can help you learn much about your customers’ demands. Click View report to access the Filter option value section and get an overview of the top 30 filter values and their other related figures.
Top filter option value combinations: This table shows the top combination of all filter option values that your customers most selected. You can use these analytics to improve your faceting configuration and your business strategies by knowing which combinations of attribute values are most used by your customers. Click View report to access Filter option value combination section and get an overview of the top 30 combinations and their other related figures.
Collection performance section
In the Collection performance section, you can see the Top 30 collections that have the best performance and more metrics of a specific collection, including:
Total revenue of a collection: This metric measures how much revenue your store has made using our app using filter and search events in a specific collection, during defined date ranges.
Order count of a collection: This metric can give you an idea of how many orders are generated after shoppers use our app in a specific collection, during defined date ranges.
Conversion rate of a collection: This metric can give you an idea of how likely customers are to buy products after using our app in a specific collection, during defined date ranges.
Filter option value section
In the Filter option value section, you can also explore the top 30 filter option values that were clicked most by your shoppers of a specific collection and can have an action for each collection to boost your revenue.
Total clicks: This metric measures how many times your shoppers click on a filter option value.
Filter option value combination section
In the Filter option value combination section, you can also explore the top 30 filter option value combinations of a specific collection that were clicked most by your shoppers and can have the action for each collection to boost your revenue.
Total clicks: This metric measures how many times your shoppers click on a filter option value combination.
Feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team via chat if you have any questions or require additional assistance.