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Getting Recommendation Analytics
Getting Recommendation Analytics

In this article, we introduce you to our Recommendation Analytics feature.

Updated over 8 months ago

The Recommendation Analytics function provides you with the most up-to-date performance of Recommendation widgets placed across your store.

Access Recommendation Analytics

  1. From the app’s admin, click Analytics on the Menu bar.

  2. Click Recommendation Analytics sub-menu.

  3. Click the Calendar button and select the correct date range to get the analytics from. When you want to compare one date range to the previous one, select Compare to previous dates.

  4. Click Apply. Recommendation Analytics is divided into 4 sections:

  • Overview: Give you some most important metrics about your Recommendation widgets.

  • Page performance: Give you the top Pages that have Recommendation widgets and their performance metrics.

  • Widget performance: Give you the top Recommendation Widgets and their performance metrics.

  • Product performance: Give you the top Recommended Products and their performance metrics.

Overview section

  • Total revenue: This metric measures how much revenue your store has made from Recommendation widgets during defined date ranges.

  • Conversion rate: This metric measures how likely your shoppers tend to buy products suggested by Recommendation widgets.

  • Click rate: This metric measures how likely your shoppers click to view a Recommended product.

  • Top pages: This table shows the top Pages which have Recommendation widgets having the best performance. Click View report to access the Page performance section and get an overview of the top pages and their other related figures.

  • Top widgets: This table shows the top Recommendation widgets which have the best performance. Click View report to access the Widget performance section and get an overview of the top widgets and their other related figures.

  • Top products: This table gives you the top Recommended products which have the highest revenue. Click View report to access Product performance section and get an overview of the top 30 products and their other related figures.

Page performance section

  • In the Page Performance section, you can explore the top pages which have Recommendation widgets and more metrics of each page:

    • Revenue: The total revenue generated from Recommended products (which were purchased) on that page.

    • Order count: The total orders generated from Recommended products on that page.

    • %items in an order: The percentage of Recommended products on that page among orders. This metric measures how Recommended products have an impact on the store’s sales.

    • Conversion rate: Measure the rate of Recommended products on specific pages that were Bought or Added to cart.

    • %item in cart: The percentage of Recommended products that were added to cart on that page. This metric measures the potential sale of your Recommended products.

    • Total views: The total number of times a Recommendation widget was displayed on that page.

    • Total clicks: The total clicks of Recommended products on that page.

    • Click rate: The percentage of times your shoppers click on a Recommended product when they see it on that page. This metric measures the shoppers’ engagement with your Recommended products.

Widget performance section

  • In the Widget performance section, you can explore the top Recommendation widgets that have the best performance and more metrics of each widget:

    • Revenue: The total revenue generated from Recommended products (which were purchased) in that widget.

    • Order count: The total orders generated from Recommended products in that widget.

    • %items in an order: The percentage of Recommended products on that page among orders. This metric measures how Recommended products have an impact on the store’s sales.

    • Conversion rate: Measure the rate of Recommended products on specific pages that were Bought or Added to cart.

    • %item in cart: The percentage of Recommended products that were added to the cart on that page. This metric measures the potential sale of your Recommended products.

    • Total views: The total number of times that widget was displayed.

    • Total clicks: The total clicks of Recommended products in that widget.

    • Click rate: The percentage of times your shoppers click on a Recommended product when they see it in each widget. This metric measures the shoppers’ engagement with your Recommended products.

Product performance section

  • In the Product performance section, you can explore the top 30 products which have the best performance and more metrics of each product, including:

    • Revenue: The total revenue generated by this product from Recommendation widgets.

    • Order count: The total number of orders generated from Recommendation widgets containing this product.

    • Conversion rate: The percentage of times this product was bought or added to cart from Recommendation widgets.

    • Click count: The total clicks on this product from Recommendation widgets.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team at [email protected].

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